Manufacturing Excellence Through Customer-Centric Strategies with SMTC's Bob Miller at APEX 2024

Philip Spagnoli Stoten

Explore the rapidly evolving manufacturing industry with Bob Miller, Vice President of SMTC Corporation, filmed on location at Apex 2024. Bob and I delve into how defense needs and geopolitical shifts are carving new paths for production in the US and beyond.

While covering demand we explore the importance of forging strategic partnerships with customers is now more critical than ever. As the conversation turns to operational excellence with a customer-first philosophy, Bob highlights the need to align technological roadmaps with customer expectations to cement lasting partnerships. 

Our chat concludes on a high note, with an optimistic look at the potential unleashed when data-driven strategies and transparent collaborations converge, setting the stage for a resilient and efficient future in manufacturing.

Like every episode of EMS@C-Level, this one was sponsored by global inspection leader Koh Young (https://www.kohyoung.com) and Adaptable Automation Specialist Launchpad.build (https://launchpad.build).

You can see video versions of all of the EMS@C-Level pods on our YouTube playlist.