EMS & The Economist Deep Dive: The Real-World Impact of Tariffs, with IPC Chief Economist Shawn DuBravac

July 30, 2024 Philip Spagnoli Stoten

Want to understand how tariffs shape global trade and impact our industry as well as your daily purchases? In this deep dive, we explore the real-world consequences of tariffs on the electronics industry, specifically focusing on how measures like those implemented by the Trump administration and upheld by Biden have changed market dynamics. 

From production shifts out of China to new beneficiaries like Mexico, Vietnam, and Malaysia, we unpack the economic ripple effects and discuss who ultimately bears the cost—businesses or consumers. We also delve into consumer behavior and price sensitivity, offering examples that illustrate how tariffs can dramatically reshape supply chains.

Curious about whether tariffs actually succeed in protecting domestic industries or simply redistribute the global market? Our in-depth discussion, enriched by insights from recent history, reveals that while tariffs may push production and imports away from China, the cost is often absorbed by multiple stakeholders. We look at the electric vehicle (EV) sector and other  categories to highlight the complexity of these economic measures. 

Join us as we dissect these nuanced topics to understand the long-term implications for global trade and consumer markets.

Like every episode of EMS@C-Level, this one was sponsored by global inspection leader Koh Young (https://www.kohyoung.com) and Adaptable Automation Specialist Launchpad.build (https://launchpad.build).

You can see video versions of all of the EMS@C-Level pods on our YouTube playlist.