EMSNOW-In4ma 2024 OnTour: Insights, Analysis And Data From Eastern European EMS Visits

Philip Spagnoli Stoten

Fresh from their 2024 On Tour of Eastern European EMS companies, Eric Miscoll, Publisher of EMSNOW and Dieter Weiss, Founder of in4ma share their thoughts with Philip Stoten in this must-hear interview recorded at electronica. 

The conversation begins with Dieter’s findings from his recent European PCB research, including speculation about why an EMS company they visited in Lithuania is convinced they must build PCBs in-house for their products and customers. 

The discussion covers the outlook for the industry overall in the Baltic region, how labor issues are driving many strategic decisions in Europe, and the many examples of impressive highly technical manufacturing capabilities and automation they witnessed on their tour.

Like every episode of EMS@C-Level, this one was sponsored by global inspection leader Koh Young (https://www.kohyoung.com).

You can see video versions of all of the EMS@C-Level pods on our YouTube playlist.